'You must enter a name for the category', 'Category added redirect' => 'Category added. Redirecting …', 'Category deleted redirect' => 'Category deleted. Redirecting …', 'Delete category head' => 'Delete category (together with all forums and posts it contains)', 'Confirm delete subhead' => 'Confirm delete category', 'Confirm delete info' => 'Are you sure that you want to delete the category %s?', 'Delete category warn' => 'WARNING! Deleting a category will delete all forums and posts (if any) in this category!', 'Must enter integer message' => 'Position must be a positive integer value.', 'Categories updated redirect' => 'Categories updated. Redirecting …', 'Add categories head' => 'Add categories', 'Add categories subhead' => 'Add categories', 'Add category label' => 'Add a new category', 'Add new submit' => 'Add new', 'Add category help' => 'The name of the new category you want to add. You can edit the name of the category later (see below). Go to %s to add forums to your new category.', 'Delete categories head' => 'Delete categories', 'Delete categories subhead' => 'Delete categories', 'Delete category label' => 'Delete a category', 'Delete category help' => 'Select the name of the category you want to delete. You will be asked to confirm your choice of category for deletion before it is deleted.', 'Edit categories head' => 'Edit categories', 'Edit categories subhead' => 'Edit categories', 'Category position label' => 'Position', 'Category name label' => 'Name', );