'Minimum posts must be a positive integer value.', 'Dupe min posts message' => 'There is already a rank with a minimun posts value of %s.', 'Must enter title message' => 'You must enter a rank title.', 'Rank added redirect' => 'Rank added. Redirecting …', 'Rank updated redirect' => 'Rank updated. Redirecting …', 'Rank removed redirect' => 'Rank removed. Redirecting …', 'Ranks head' => 'Ranks', 'Add rank subhead' => 'Add rank', 'Add rank info' => 'Enter a rank and the minimum number of posts a user must have made to attain the rank. Different ranks cannot have the same value for minimum posts. If a title is set for a user, the title will be displayed instead of any rank.', 'Ranks enabled' => 'User ranks is enabled in %s.', 'Ranks disabled' => 'User ranks is disabled in %s.', 'Rank title label' => 'Rank title', 'Minimum posts label' => 'Minimum posts', 'Actions label' => 'Actions', 'Edit remove subhead' => 'Edit/remove ranks', 'No ranks in list' => 'No ranks in list', );