10 morceaux au hasard

lecture :

RsR Collective Sound - [Featuring Album 2] 15- People ignore death (PIA & Dead Joshua)

Dead Joshua - something part of you

noisy rock
Licence Art Libre

Take The Bus Project - Take the bus project-11

Atomic cat - Show me the Way

Tit Patapons - 05 - Les sonneurs de reves [texte : Rico]

Creative Commons by-nc-sa 2.0

Philippe Chavaroche - Lisse amer EP

RsR Collective Sound - [J'ai vu un son]_19_[People Ignore Who I am - Empire Rouge Music Concept] To exist is to resist

Dead Joshua - devastation stories

noisy rock
Licence Art Libre

Dead Joshua - moved

noisy rock
Licence Art Libre

RSR La Radio - [Mind reader Blues] Em4 sept 2013

Domaine Public